XCPC has a wide range of pneumatic accessories like pneumatic f ittings,metal fittings,stainless steel fittings,silencers,PU,PE,NY air pipe,tube cutter,quick coupler,air gun,etc.There are too many different shapes on our website and catalogue.Welcome to select your interesting types and samples for testing.
The Pipe joint fttings can be used with
rigid nylon tubes.
A Iocking nut iS provided and Can be
tightened both manually and with a
The special shape of the guiding cone
ensures that the tube can not be accidentally
When invoIved in factory maintenance or PIant instalIation,it’s often
difficuIt to be certain which size of fittings with be required, Our Pipe
fittings provide a cost effective solution to this problem.
Acurate regulation of an optimal air flow rate for Precise motion control.
The compact design provides the comparabIerange of speed as the Iarger standard Speed continue roller do.